Cat Fur In My Coffee Blog


Lunar Making My Cat Crazy

We just experienced the second of four total lunar eclipses in a cycle know as Tetrad (meaning four). The first one was April 15th of this year. This last one just occurred on October...


Finding Compassion in Chaos

Even in the mist of war and destruction there might just be hope for humanity yet. Deep in the war and chaos of Syria, one man finds it in his heart to care for...


Games Cats Play

Cats actually really enjoy playing games especially games involving hunting. Cats are natural born hunters. Even domesticated cats live for the hunt. Unlike some animals that only hunt when they’re hungry cats take great...


Include Your Pets in Your Preparedness Plans

September is National Preparedness Month and today is September 11th the day America was attacked. You never know what lies ahead or what tomorrow has in store. Therefore, take this month (September) and do...