Author: Rayna Phillips


Frugal Friday: Cheap Cat Toys

Happy Friday! If you are one of those people who look forward to Friday and Thank God when it finally gets here then pat yourself on the back for making it. Remember last week...


What Is The Best Water For Cats?

Cats, just like humans, are made up of 2/3 water. Water makes up the building blocks of life and is essential for living. But did you know that it is not a good idea...


How to Get Free Cat Food

What a better way to get Friday off to a good start then announcing a new segment called “Frugal Friday”. Who doesn’t like the word ‘free’? We could all use a little break once...


Healthy Litter Box Maintenance

How often do you scoop your cat’s litter box? How often should you scoop your cat’s litter box? What about completely changing your cat’s litter? Do you know when it’s time to change your...


How to Make Your Own Cat Food

Some kitties out there like to mimic there human parents by eating (or at least trying out) the same food that they’re eating. But just because you eat it does not mean your cat...


How Many Litter Boxes Should I Have?

You just took your two children to the animal shelter to pick up a new kitty. Each child insists that they want their own cat. They promise you that they will take care of...


February is National Cat Health Month

Although February is only 28 days long, do not let that discourage you. In fact, February is National Cat Health Month. February is also: American Heart Month, National Pet Dental Health Month and Responsible...